In too many parts of the world children struggle to escape extreme violence. The threat of war, gangs and famine are unbearable.
The only alternative is for these children to flee their homes and endure the hard path of a refugee. Some flee with their families, many face the odyssey alone, either to seek a better life or in many cases, simply a chance to survive. In the current political climate, borders are closing to those who need asylum most. According to the UNHCR there are more refugees now than ever before.
I am hoping to use my song “No Safe Place” to raise awareness of this epidemic and help children, and by extension all refugees, who bravely leave a brutal life at home in the hopes of finding a safer one in a foreign land. All proceeds from the sale of the song “No Safe Place” will be donated to USA for UNHCR and other groups that provide direct aid to refugees. The goal is to raise $1 million.
For more info, please visit: https://give.classy.org/roger4refugees
How to help:
Watch the video above for Roger Street Friedman’s “No Safe Place.”
At the end, donate at least $1 to the campaign to receive a link to download the song.
Spread the word to friends and family suggesting that they do the same! Share on Facebook, Twitter or send an email.
Give more. Just $2 provides safe water to help keep two young refugees alive and healthy for a day in an emergency situation. Read below to see what else your money can buy and help support.